Melkoya in the thirties. Picture
courtesy of Ulf Jacobsen, 9590 Hasvik.
was bought by Johan Normann Pedersen from Hammerfest in
1897, and the Normanns lived there until after WW2. The
family grew potatoes and other vegetables, and also had
sheep and cows. In the pre-war years a small, buisy fishery
was established.
WW2 a German fortification was built on the island. This
had several gun-positions and lookouts for defending the
German position in Hammerfest from allied attackers entering
through the straits. In addition the island had a camp
for Russian prisoners of war, and large parts of the island
was covered by minefields. The Normanns were not allowed
to leave during the war.
After the
end of WW2 the family tried to resume husbandry, but large
amounts of barbed wire left by the germans made this impossible.
Since then the island has been used by the family as a
recreational place, and is mostly visited during the summertime.