Recent addition:
March 20 2006: The excavations
in Skjaervika are postponed until 2007.
February 22 2006: Map of structures
in Skjaervika and their dates
February 21 2006: Fieldwork for
excavations in Skjærvika 2006 announced. Improved
navigation adnn more information about the drawings
of artifacts.
November 22 2005: Updated information
about Skjaervika.
September 7th 2005: Published
a folder and
a poster presented
at Meso2005 in Belfast.
August 9th 2005: The latest results
and pictures from the excavations in Skjaervika.
July 5th 2005: New information
concerning the upcoming excavations in Skjaervika.
June 01 2005: The article The
Melkøya project: maritime hunter-fisher island
settlements and the use of space through 11 000
years on Melkøya, Arctic Norway published
in Antiquity
Vol 79 No 304 online.
May 11 2005: Published a poster
presented at the 22nd Nordic Archaeology Conference,
University of Oulu, August 18th-23rd, 2004.
May 03 2005: Preliminary interpretation
of the locality Kilden, based on distributions.
in Norwegian, and a presentation.
March 09 2005: Virtual reality model of Sundfjaera.
Navigate through past landscapes.
Can you identify the location of the dwellings?
Click here

New exhibition in Hammerfest
If you travel to the world's
northernmost city, Hammerfest, seize the opportunity
to visit the recently opened exhibition "Arctic
Stone Age"at The
Museum of Reconstruction for Finnmark and Nord-Troms.
Tools found at Slettnes and Melkoya are on display
here, and you can also see photos from the excavations
at Melkoya.

Issue of Ottar in sale.
The issue is dedicated to the
Melkoyproject and the articles discuss different
theoretical and methodological approaches to excavation
of stone age remains at Melkoya. The magazine is
only published in Norwegian.
Innledning: Anders Hesjedal og Anja Roth
De arkeologiske undersøkelsene på
Melkøya: Anders Hesjedal
Som man graver, finner man!: Morten Ramstad
Melkøya i rom og tid: Anja Roth Niemi
Melkøya ei øy i stadig forandring,
med og uten menneskets hjelp: Christin Jensen
og Ellen Elverland
Miljøarkeologi i nordligste Skandinavia:
Johan Linderholm
Tyggis fra steinalderen: Camilla Celine Nordby
De levende døde. Ravfunn og dødekult
på Melkøya i steinalderen: Morten
The issue can be ordered from
Tromsø Museum.

The amber from Sundfjaera at Melkoya have been
chenically analysed to determine their origin.
The chemical "fingerprint" of the pearls
established them to be made of baltic amber.
The largest pearl have decorations in the shape
of parallell lines of points. Maybe they are supposed
to look like tracks of birds walking?

More about the pearls.

We now have recieved the results from the laboratory
at New Zealand. All in all we have dated 52 samples
of charcoal fromthe season of 2001 and 103 from
the season of 2002. In addition are the datings
done in connection with the analysis of the pollensamples
from bogs around the sites.
More about the

Many samples of soil are collected from Sundfjaera,
Kilden and Normannsvika for analysis of phpsphate
values. Phosphate is an indication of the disposing
of organic material, and can give us information
about where garbage was disposed, or even where
the dead were buried. The phosphates are now analysed
in Sweden.
More about phosphates.