Due to expansion of Statoil's
activities at Melkoya a new area has to be surveyed
and excavated.
Skjaervika is situated across the
strait of the Melkoysound. This is a sheltered bay
with a view towards Melkoya in Southwest. The area
was surveyed in 1998 by archaeologists from the County
of Finnmark, who registered some 10 remains of houses,
most probably from the period between 0 to 1700AD,
spanning the periods characterised as Saami Iron Age,
Medieval time and Early Modern time.
The area was investigated by archaeologists
from Tromsoe Museum during July 2005. During 2 weeks
the archaeologists uncovered several new structures
and remains of human activities through testpitting,
mechanical surface stripping and trenches.
The dating
of the structures show activities in the area from
stone age to modern times.
An expansion of Statoil's activities
will therefore necessarily lead to new excavations.
The map shows areas investigated in
2001, 2002 and 2005 by Tromsoe Museum. Click for larger
is situated only 500 metres Northeast of Melkoya. The
currents of the strait between Melkoya and Skjaervika
provide ample fishing opportunities. |
The cultural
remains are dispersed in the terrain. In the lower
part of the bay we found house remains from medieaval
and modern times, while older dwellings were uncovered
in the upper areas.
The structures
were documented and mapped in the filed with GPS. Click
for larger image |
In the upper areas we used mechanical
methods to make trenches through the accumulated turf.
On levels above 20 meters no structures were found,
while a series of dwellings, probably dating to younger
stone age, were located on levels between 10 and 15
cleaning the dwellings are visible as rectangular cleared
depressions. |
Unn and Oddhild followed the excavator with shovel and
trowel. |
A number
of testpits were done in different heights and in different
types of areas. The map above shows the location of
the positive testpits. |
the neighbouring bay, Fjellvika (Mountain Bay), cultural
remains were also established. Mesolithic material was
found under beach gravel in some of the testpits. Click
for larger image. |
is a well sheltered bay. Several dwellings and more
recent remains were located in the grass-grown area
in the middle of the picture. |
also exhbit several rock shelters. In front of this
one seven layers of charcoal were documented, which
testify of repeated usage of the area. The carbon datings
will show us exactly when this shelter was used. |
In the middle part part of Skjærvika,
between 4 and 6 meters a.s.l. a coplex structure consisting
of several houses, of which one seems to have had
several rooms, was situated.
A trench was made through this structure.
Many artifacts were uncovered here, amongs others
clay pipes, ceramic pot fragments and whalebone. The
structural elements included walls and thick layers
of charcoal in/under the floor.
A series of charcoal samples were
taken from this trench and we await the results.
The drawing to the left show an interpretation
of the structures as they appear on surface, combined
with a topographic map of the surface.
To the right some of the finds in
The further progress of this
part of the Melkoyproject:
A report from this season's investigations
is written:
- Charcoal samples are cleaned and sent to analysis
- The artifacts are catalogued
- Drawings are digitized, maps are made
Based on this report and estimate of the extent of
necessary excavation will be prepared. A budget and
a projectplan will be drawned up.
The projectplan will be presented to the National
Board of Antiquities.
Statoil will decide about the archaeological costs
of extended constructions in the area, and possibly
go ahead with their plans.
Results of the excavations of Skjaervika are incorporated
into and expanding the scientific results of the excavations
of Melkoya.
The opened
areas are covered at the end of the fieldwork to preserve
structures and artifacts until more extensive excavations
can take place. |
Participants on this year's fieldwork:
Anders Hesjedal
Morten Ramstad
Anja Roth Niemi
Theo Gil Bell
Rolf Liahjell Bade
Paul Ilson
Unn Yilmaz
Alma Elizabeth Thuestad
Oddhild Dokset
Jørn Henriksen
of the participants on expedition in midnight sun. |