A consequence of archaeological
excavations is the complete destruction of the prehistoric
remains being investigated. After completion of
the excavations the remains are destroyed for all
future. Therefore, excavation first and foremost
means to execute a complete as possible documentation
to enable future researchers to utilize the results
of our excavations.
1. In Sundfjæra
nivellationequipment is used to measure where the
machines are going to remove turf and where the profiles
are to be left. At the top of the terrace field supervisors
Wenche and Kristel are discussing the progress of
the work.
2. For more accurate measurements
we use a totalstation. These measure vertical and
horizontal values electronically, and can be attached
to computers for graphical display of dwellings, coordinatesystems
and topographical features. Measurement assistant
Frank is here posing with the Sokkia Set500 total
3. Exposed field is being cleaned in Sundfjæra.
In the background the surface-stripping is going on.
After two days work another dwelling was found in
this area. Last year's exposed dwellings are covered
by black cloth until the surface-stripping is complete.
4. After surface stripping fine digging starts. In
this project we preferrably dig stratigraphically.
5. The
soil is separated according to quadrants within the
coordinatesystem and screened seprately in 4 or 2
mm screens to distinguish small debitage and flakes,
charcoal, bones etc.
6. All structures are drawn
in scale of 1:20 or 1:10. The drawings provide a basis
for further interpretations but are also an essensial
part of the documentation of the structures for the
7. In addition all structures and
important findings are photographed in black/white
and colour.
8. The specially interesting artifacts are drawn
in the office. Andrea Balbo from Italy is in charge
of this task. Finally all finds are cataloged in a