Sundfjaera nedre
seen towards south. Under the plastic in the foreground
three dwellings lie in a row. One of these has charcoal-datings
to around 3000 before present. Further back in the
picture lies one of the two rectangular fireplaces
from this site. The teams that were working here were
led by lead by Jan Magne Gjerde, Alma Thuestad, Volker
Demuth and Melanie Wrigglesworth.
Structures from Sundfjaera
nedre . Most of the structures in Sundfjaera
nedre lie in a terrain characterised by larger rocks
and beach gravel. Due to the complicated topography,
immediate recognition and functional determination
of the structures may be difficult. In spite of
this seven dwellings and two rectangular fireplaces
have been localised. In addition several other structures,
whose function cannot be determined yet, are known.
Two radiocarbondatings witness about settlement
from Early Metal Age.
Above: Structures 9 and 12, two rectangular
fireplaces. Both are orientated along the ancient
shoreline and measure about 1,5x0,5 metres. The
fireplaces are constructed of larger rocks placed
around an area filled with pebbles, ashes and charcoal.
from left:
of fireplace structure 12 placed inside a relatively
well-defined dwelling, taken from above. The dwelling
is dug down into the flat ancient beach, the walls
consist of larger rocks than the floor area, which
is flatter and more compact. The rectangular fireplace
is visible in the center of the dwelling.
Situated close to the rockwall
towards west, four dwellings lie in a row. The three
upper dwellings appear as clear depressions in the
ancient beach. Two of these are seen on the picture
as darker colourings.
in Sundfjaera nedre.
Above, from left:
Pär is cleaning the area surrounding
one of the rectangular fireplaces. This can be seen
right behind the bucket in the center of the picture,
it is orientated 1,5 metres in East-West direction.
Julie is digging a dwelling.
This was placed between larger boulders for shelter.
Ceramics from Sundfjaera
nedre. In 2001 ceramics
grained with asbestos was found in the lower area
of Sundfjaera nedre. The presence of this type ceramics
is an indicative of the period Early Metal Age,
and appears in most parts of northern Fennoscandinavia
1800-0 BC. The ceramic is often decorated with line-
and textilepatterns. The ceramics from Sundfjaera
nedre is characterised by bad preservational conditions,
and is unearthed as fragmented and partly dissolved
Above, from left:
The area where the ceramics were
found in 2001 is seen to the right. The beach is
here washed clean after being exposed for a year.
At this years excavation the spatial distribution
of the ceramics is being determined by opening 50
cm testpits every meter. Morten Olsen is digging
testpits to localise cultural traces.
Volker used a porvisional tent to keep the field
dry during the rainier days.
The ceramics from Sundfjaera
nedre is characterised by bad preservational conditions,
and is unearthed as fragmented and partly dissolved
shards, as seen on the picture to the left.
It was therefore essential with
delicate digging, something Morten demonstrates on
the picture to the right.
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